Custom ear plugs for the well-being of your employees
These custom moulded ear plugs outperform all other devices on the market. They enable interpersonal communication and are comfortable, convenient and cost-effective. These are the most sought-after hearing protection devices worldwide.
How do we create such a comfortable hearing protector?

Our manufacturing process works as follows:
- We take an impression, or mold, of the ear canals of every employee
- The mould is 3D scanned to create a computerised image
- The computerised image is modelled into the smallest, lightest and most comfortable hearing protector possible
This comprehensive process ensures that each hearing protection device fits perfectly, with 100-micron precision (the width of a strand of hair). They are so comfortable that they can be worn all day.
Discover the manufacture of our custom-made hearing protectors
The evolution of our custom-made hearing protections
Protected, but not isolated
The earplug is personalised for each employee by our filter selection process: SAPAN® considers the noise level, level of perception, and the unique requirements of each employee.
Need to communicate?
Qeos Green
- Visible
- Uniform attenuation
- 2 filters: SLC 22, 29 dB
- 6 years warranty
Very noisy environment?
Qeos Orange
- Visible
- High Frequency Attenuation
- 2 filters: SLC 22, 31 dB
- 6 years warranty
Maintaining your custom earplugs is simple

Waterproof and dustproof, Cotral's custom-made hearing protection noise reduction filters keep all their acoustic properties even in very dirty environments. They don't clog up. To preserve comfort and hygiene, it is essential to clean the outer surface of your hearing protectors. For this reason, the wipes ensure a quick daily maintenance.
With or without handle, with or without cord, your employees can adapt their molded earplugs to their operating habits and workstation. Working in the construction or metallurgy industry involves specific needs: a clip is also provided to limit losses, furthermore the handle is easy to hold.
For the food industry: an electromagnetic detection chip (incorporated in the earplug) and a fully detectable cord can be offered.
For work in shared offices or near workshops, a very flexible cord (combined with a Clear, discreet and not protuding noise reducing ear plug) allows frequent telephone calls while keeping the hearing protection in the ear.
Conveniently manage your individual noise protectors online
Your personal and secured online access to the customer area of Cotral Lab’s website ( makes it easy to manage your devices in one central location. You can also place orders and facilitate implementation of solutions from the very beginning.
The ear molds, once taken on-site, within the timeframe you decide, are digitally stored on our servers. This saves you time in cases where remanufacturing is required.

You have no worries with the Effi‐6 total guarantee!

Enjoy the Effi-6 Guarantee for six years from date of purchase. You can have any hearing protector remanufactured, at no cost to you, in the event of:
- A material defect
- Lack of comfort
- Protector inefficiency, as demonstrated by CAPA©
Frequently Asked Questions about hearing protection devices
Hearing aids are instruments that amplify sound. They are used when people already suffer from hearing loss. Hearing protection devices, such as Cotral custom earplugs, on the other hand, prevent hearing loss.
Qeos molded earplugs meet one of the main requirements of the food industry: a detectable ball is offered as an option. You can complete that with a detectable cord. Furthermore, for better visibility, Qeos hearing protection devices are blue in color.
Your Prevention Technician will select the filters and the hearing protection model with the help of the SAPAN method. After asking the user a list of questions, the application proposes a list of hearing protection devices that are suitable for each person. Each employee experiences a reduction, depending on his level of exposure to his sound perception requirements or an eventual hearing deficit. The employee is protected from noise without being over-protected.
Cotral hearing protection devices are guaranteed for a period of 6 years. Beyond that, we advise you to take a new set of impressions or assess their real efficiency with a CAPA test.
You will get a unique guarantee in the hearing protection device market: the Effi-6 Guarantee. It covers the product if the instrument breaks, as well as the comfort of noise reduction. Your hearing protection is offered with a money-back guarantee.
There are two types of filters, both of which reduce noise differently:
- Flat response filters reduce sound without distorting it. Imagine being able to reduce the ambient volume, just as you do with your MP3 player or your Stereo system. These filters offer the same sound quality, with reduced volume. These hearing protection devices are equipped with filters that are recommended for repair technicians who must listen for the slightest malfunction, people who have to communicate in a noisy environment, the supervising staff, or people working in the world of music or show-business.
- HFA (High Frequency Attenuation) filters soften noises on high frequencies. These filters are useful in very noisy places: industries, metallurgy, BTP, etc.
In cases where the Individual Noise Protector limits are exceeded, it is possible to increase noise reduction with double protection. This is composed of an intra-ear plug (standard or customized) and shell-shaped headband.
How is the noise reduction of double protection calculated?
The formula is as follows: 33 x log ((0.4 x reduction of intra) + (0.1 x reduction of ear muffs)) (Etude A. Damongeot et al.)
Example: A molded earplug with an attenuation level of 32 dB and an ear muff with an attenuation level of 35 dB = 40 dB attenuation.
The cost can vary, depending on several factors. The amount may seem to be higher when compared to standard disposable earplugs, but if you compare overall spending over 6 years, you will see that Cotral complete hearing protection solution is more economical.
Cotral Prevention Laboratory technicians come to your site to take your employees’ ear impressions. This meeting enables an exchange of information on the risks related to noise and the usage of Cotral molded earplugs. Prevention Technicians use the SAPAN method to determine which hearing protection device is most suitable for each employee, based on his specifics and the nature of his work. Everything is configured with respect to the functioning of your organization.